4. Power Trip – Nightmare Logic (Southern Lord)
Power Trip is a new school band with an old school sound. Again, hearing bands like these play their new tunes live has the biggest impact on me, and hearing “Soul Sacrifice” (and moshing to if, for that matter) was a memory I won’t soon forget. My body aches a little bit every time I think about it, and I can’t help but smile every time. This is why I am so upset to have missed them play at house shows prior to their touring with Cannibal Corpse.
3. Bell Witch – Mirror Reaper (Profound Lore)
Seattle’s idiosyncratic funeral-sludge duo, Bell Witch, returned with their third studio effort, Mirror Reaper. This gloomy doom record will leave you on the verge of tears. The desolate ambiance created by Dylan Desmond (bass, vocals) and James Schreibman (drums, vocals) is overwhelming. At times crunchy to the bone, and whimsical alike. This is one for the books, and I recommend it to anyone interested in good music. Forget labels. This album is art.
2. Cannibal Corpse – Red Before Black (Metal Blade)
A barrage of blast beats, a variety of songs (de)composed of lyrical images depicting gangrene, macabre, gore-infested content. Cannibal Corpse‘s Red Before Black will leave adrenaline stinging in your veins. George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher howling tunes from their newest effort live was a transcending experience.
1. Warbringer – Woe to the Vanquished (Napalm)
Warbringer served up my #1 album of 2017, and delivered it with brute force. High-octane adrenaline meets dystopian terror. Vocalist John Kevill’s banshee like vocals will leave you petrified. Anyone who has missed Woe to the Vanquished this year is a fool, and it is foolish to wait to listen to it any longer. Yes, it’s that good. Hearing them play the entire album live also stuck the nail in the coffin for me as my favorite metal release of the year. Full Review