BLEEDING THROUGH Interview: Brandan and The Harry Potter Rabbit Hole


It has been nearly 7 years since Bleeding Through released an album, and I was starting to think they might be done. In 2018, they released Love Will Kill All, which happened to be on this writer’s playlist from then until now. Thankfully, they are back, and their ninth full-length album, cleverly titled NINE, will be coming out on February 14th, 2024, a serendipitous day for a new Bleeding Through album, even though it was not intentional.

This melodeath/metalcore band started in Orange County, California way back in the 1900’s (yeah I went there), 1999 to be exact. Though the band has made many shifts in musicians, the sound has remained steady yet continues to improve. Brandan Schieppati (vocals), Marta Peterson (keyboards, vocals), John Arnold (guitar), Brandon Richter (guitar), Ryan Wombacher (bass), and Derek Youngsma (drums) have put all their talents together and made a cohesive and incredibly dark and heavy album full of everything you want from Bleeding Through, and more.

NINE is a glimpse inside mental health, the difficulties of love, and the world around us with how society has been treating each other. It has some deep, relatable, lyrical content, and some heavy-hitting riffs, fast beats, and a whole lot of heart. The harmonizing between Peterson and Schieppati is appeasing to the ear and takes my heart on a wild ride. They have also added in some big names like; God Forbid, Shadows Fall, and Comeback Kid in this release. Keep a look out for an album review. I do believe I will be coming out of album review hiatus for this release.

Brandan was polite enough to sit down with Metal Nation and discuss this release, as well as some other interesting topics I did not anticipate discussing. (If you are viewing from your phone, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click “View Desktop Version” to gain interview and video access).

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