BARONESS INTERVIEW: Nick Takes Us on a Stone Journey


In 2007, I heard Baroness for the first time. It was the Red Album. I felt so connected to the music that it instantly became one that I frequently listened to on my CD player. Ever since then, I have followed along, eager to hear the newest recordings, color to color. I did not think it was possible for them to get better, but every year, they did and have. Stone is next level, somehow they continue on their streak of greatness without even a hiccup. If they continue to go up from here, I am afraid my brain might explode.

Baroness began in 2003 in Georgia. Vocalist and multi-instrumentalist John Baizley had a vision, and he has connected with people along the way to heighten that vision, year after year. Nick Jost (bass, keyboards, backing vocals), and Sebastian Thomson (drums), jumped on in 2013 to increase the musical fullness of an already-established band. When Gina Gleason (lead guitar and vocals) joined in 2017, the quartet had reached all new horizons. The magic these four bring to the table is undeniable, and the talent is breathtaking. Stone consistently gives me goosebumps and my heart swells with every single track. It is as close to a masterpiece as an album can get. Listen to the transition between “Choir” and “The Dirge” and I dare you to tell me I am wrong. You can feel the mourning and catharsis with each lyric and each melody.

I cannot speak highly enough about what they have created, it is a brilliant and special album. I encourage you to listen all the way through, with no interruptions, all immersed, and allow Baroness to take you on an emotional journey. Make sure you buy your copy here of Stone, coming out September 15th, 2023.

Nick sat down with Metal Nation to discuss Stone, which was beyond appreciated. (If you are viewing from your phone, scroll to the end of the page and click “View Desktop Version” to get interview and videos access).


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