DOMINUM Interview: Dr Dead Has Began The Metal Apocalypse

Zombie metal music is on the rise! Yet, this is a zombie apocalypse I am ok with being infected with. Dominum has made huge strides in less than a year with two albums, many festivals, and now headlining a tour. The debut release, Hey Living People arrived in 2023, with the second album, The Dead Don’t Die, to be released on December 27th, 2024 through Napalm Records.

These musician undead walkers rose from the grave in Germany in 2022 and started infecting the metal scene straight away. Dr. Dead (vocals), Patient Zero (bass), Victor Hilltop (drums), and Tommy Kemp (guitar), are the corpses behind the music. Dominum not only roams the soundscapes with zombie-related lyrics, but also have undead costumes, and music videos that complete the horror with the full visual experience. They have charged with full force in their apocalyptic journey, and have shown no signs of slowing, which is ironic with zombies.

The Dead Don’t Die has had three releases before the release date; “We Are Forlorn”, “One of Us”, and “The Dead Don’t Die”, which all have videos and have gained high praise from listeners. This writer’s favorite track on this album has been, “Killed by Life”, which has an almost Celtic melody that quickly jumps to the other instruments filling the song to a full feeling and sounding experience. The whole album is a fun adventure full of fun lyrics, great instrumentation, and groovy melodies.

Dr. Dead was kind enough to sit down with Metal Nation and discuss this release. (If you are viewing from your phone, please scroll to the end of the screen and click, “View Desktop Version” to gain video access).

DominumDr. DeadThe Dead Don't Die
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