Once again, I have decided to come out of album review hiatus due to the inspiration of another imaginative album. It has been a year since my last review, and I am more than stoked to be back at it with NINE, the ninth full-length album from the astounding Bleeding Through, coming out on February 14th, 2025. This release is dark, heavy, and emotional, a few of my favorite things. Did someone ask for more Marta? I have been very impressed with her added influence on NINE. If you want to hear more about this album from the frontman, Brandan, you can find our interview with him here.
Bleeding Through was originally presented to the world in 1999 out of Orange County, California with vocalist Brandan Schieppati determined to begin a new project after leaving Throwdown. There have been a few member changes throughout the years. NINE is brought to you by; Schieppati, Marta Peterson (keys, vocals), John Arnold (guitar), Brandon Richter (guitar), Derek Youngsma (drums), and Ryan Wombacher (bass). This combination has proved to be a magical mixture. The embracing of all of these talented musicians into a composition where everyone is heard and has a voice is very special and notable. Let’s jump into this album.
NINE begins with “Gallows”. This one starts airy and dives quickly into a fast drumbeat and roaring screams. The haunting keys in the back give it the heaviness the song requires. The chorus has a gut-wrenching harmonizing melody with Schieppati and Peterson driving the emotional pull of the message. The entirety mixes a heavy, harsh vocal and aggressive soundscape. It is a perfect beginning to an incredible album.
“Our Brand is Chaos” is one of the four singles that have been released. It is a straightforward, Bleeding Through song full of aggression and melodies. You can listen below.
“Dead, But So Alive” has also been a single that has been released. I love this song. It is super heavy and energetic. I don’t know how Youngsma does it, I feel exhausted just listening to his beats. This chorus gets stuck in my head constantly, which tells me it is memorable. I really dig the breakdown and guitar solo in this one too.
“Hail Destruction” is one of my two favorites, although the entire album is near perfection. This one begins with a slower guitar part and ramps up to a fuller sound as all the instruments come together. When Schieppati screams, “Hail Destruction” the sound shifts and becomes faster. It is a dark song with a mood-driven feeling. This one really hits me for some reason, and I cannot quite pinpoint why. It maintains its aggressiveness, but it punches you in the gut with some intense emotions. Also, there is another badass guitar solo, which I will always appreciate.
“Lost in Isolation” is probably my first favorite. This track just floors me with all the feelings. It begins fast and explosive and eases into a steady sound. My favorite part is the harmonizing between the two vocalists again. The shift from in your face to almost an embrace is a perfect explanation of life through music. “I know that life is pain, don’t ever give up on me”, has become one of my favorite lyrics, and it is a good representation of what we all feel at times. This track includes Doc Coyle of God Forbid, and that combination is heavenly.
“Last Breath” is a keyboard track with soulful singing in the background. It is a short, but beautiful piece of music mixed between the angst and emotional rollercoaster NINE takes you through. It is genuinely a breather but is melancholic in its breath.
“Path Of Our Disease” has been released as a single, so you can hear it below. This song is sorrowful but is a good reminder to be the good in a world full of toxicity. Many people get lost in this toxic society and it is difficult to recognize it and pull yourself out of it, to a surface of a more genuine way of living. I appreciate this band for their ability to put into words what is so important to think about.
“I Am Resistance” features Andrew Neufeld of Comeback Kid and has also been released recently. It is a little different from the others, but that is due to the guest appearance, and just gives the album that much more diversity and life. You can hear this song below. It has a very catchy chorus and has another amazing quick guitar solo.
“Emery” is an interesting one. It starts with a clean voice in the distance singing to a quiet guitar. It builds into a louder soundscape but stays at a slower beat. The moody keys and passionate vocals bring out some intense emotions. This one brings a tear to my eye almost every time I listen to it. I asked Brandan about it, and he was able to give me some insight in our interview. I was a little surprised by the message, and it reminded me how powerful music can be. I am struggling even writing this right now with tears streaming. I love how music can do that.
“War Time” has Brian Fair of Shadows Fall included, and it is a combination that just makes sense. The breakdowns and musical shifts in this track is enjoyable to move to. The chorus has another emotion-driven feel, but the rest is massive. This mix is one I would love to see again in the future because they complement each other vocally, and when you include Marta, it is enchanting.
The last track is “Unholy Armada”. This is a cool ending to the album. It is heavy with cascading guitar parts and of course fast beats. The transitions are smooth yet noticeable. The keys once again enhance the soundscape and the harsh vocals drive the message into your soul about humanity and how we tend to treat each other. Another eye-opening lyrical song that needs to be heeded. At about the three-minute mark, the guitars take over a harmonizing piece, which is a remarkable way to close it out.
I am a huge fan of NINE. Somehow, Bleeding Through has gotten better and better, and I don’t know how they do it. As I mentioned before, you can tell everyone was heavily involved in the composition, and that has enriched the album that much more. This is one of those bands where if someone says they don’t enjoy it, I side-eye them with curiosity because I don’t understand how Bleeding Through isn’t enjoyable to everyone.