OBEYER Interview: Carl and Jamie Discuss Chemical Well

There is something very special about finding an album you immediately connect with and wanting to dive into the journey of the whole album. With so much music being released somewhat easily, it can be difficult to find the diamonds in the rough. Obeyer and their debut album, Chemical Well, is one of those diamonds I have been so thankful to come across. Released on November 15th, 2024 through 3DOT Recordings (a label created by the band Periphery), Chemical Well is aggressive, thought-provoking, and heavy as hell. I did not want to get off the roller coaster, I wanted to stay on that ride forever.

Obeyer is based in Northampton, UK. This quartet consists of Carl Brown (vocals), Jamie Steadman (clean vocals, guitar, programming), David Bartlett (bass), and Lewis Niven (drums). These incredible musicians have created something heavy and memorable. Track one, “Witness”, begins your incredible adventure with some steady rhythms and aggressive vocals, and flows into a melodic soundscape, just to jump back into ultra-heavy riffage. I really dig the progressive instrumentation, but it is in a way the song needs instead of the flashiness. The album is consistent with unrelenting dynamic riffs, beats, and vocals. The other layer of excellence this band brings is the lyrical content. Brown is a great lyricist, with insightful thoughts about the human experience and the social media influence that has infiltrated our species.

This entire album is full of some of the best metal has to offer. As a debut album, I am thoroughly impressed and I am beyond excited to see what these guys bring us in the future.

Carl and Jamie were great enough to sit down with Metal Nation and discuss, Chemical Well, as well as a myriad of other topics. (If you are viewing from your phone, please scroll to the bottom and click on “View Desktop Version”, to gain video and interview access).

Chemical WellObeyer
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