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DL Group

Enjoy your time on the water with reliable and energy-efficient Gree Marine Air Conditioner from DL Group Malta. Our selection of Gree marine air conditioners are specifically designed to withstand the harsh marine environment, providing optimal cooling performance for your boat or yacht. DL Group Malta is an authorized dealer of Gree marine air conditioners, offering a range of sizes and capacities to fit any boat and meet your specific needs. From compact portable units to powerful centralized systems, our Gree marine air conditioners are equipped with the latest energy-efficient technology to ensure optimal cooling performance while minimizing energy consumption. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, DL Group provides expert installation and maintenance services for your Gree marine air conditioner, ensuring that it functions optimally for years to come. To know more about our products mail us at or or call us at +356 9929 0850.